Worship Ministries


The choir sings hymns, psalms, anthems, and other service music during the 10 a.m. service on Sundays and for other Holy Days and special services throughout the year. Their annual Christmas Concert and seasonal Evensong services are treasured traditions of our parish.

Led by our music director Joseph Brabham, the choir includes amateur and professionally trained vocalists who rehearse one evening each week and at 9 a.m. on Sundays. The choir is open to all who want to sing and are willing to commit to this most important ministry. New voices are always needed!


Acolytes play crucial roles during worship services—assisting the priest during communion and carrying the cross and the torches during processions. Training is required for each acolyte role.

Serving as an acolyte is an honor that fosters a sense of reverence for the Lord and for the liturgy and traditions of the church. Members ages 10 or older are eligible to become acolytes during our services.

Lay Readers

Lay readers, or lectors, read the scripture lessons and the Prayers of the People during all worship services. Serving as a lector is a great way for newer members or just very busy people to get involved: it requires next to no training and no commitment of time outside of worship services.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers assist with the administration of the wine during Holy Communion, also known as the Eucharist.  Training is required for licensing by the bishop.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild members ensure that the altar is in good condition and ready for every Holy Eucharist. They care for and set out all the vessels, vestments, and linens that are used during communion. They also lead the effort to decorate the church for Christmas and Easter.

Flower Guild

Some Flower Guild members purchase and arrange flowers to grace the altar for Sunday services and holidays. Others rearrange the service flowers into smaller arrangements and deliver them to members who are new parents, are celebrating a birthday or other milestone, or who are hospitalized or sick at home.


Ushers distribute service bulletins, help people find seats, collect the offering, and guide people to the communion rail. Most importantly, ushers answer questions visitors and newcomers might have.


Greeters exude friendliness and hospitality to everyone who attends a Sunday morning service. They are often the first church members that visitors and newcomers will meet when they attend St. David’s for the first time. They provide information and help visitors and newcomers feel welcome and comfortable.

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