WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – April 19th – Fr. Thomas

We know by now that New York state leads the country in the number of deaths due to COVID-19.  Apparently, though, there are not enough burial plots for the recently increased number of victims, so corpses are being “stockpiled.” This situation reminds me of a town in France where, decades ago, a similar outbreak occurred […]

EASTER SUNDAY -April 12, 2020 – Video

Christ is risen! He has risen indeed! Enjoy our Easter Sunday video by clicking the link below via YouTube (please subscribe free). Also available on Facebook. ave a blessed Easter Sunday morning! Have a blessed and happy Easter Sunday this glorious day.

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – April 12th – Fr. Thomas

We all like to receive presents, especially those in pretty wrapped boxes.  Our curiosity plays with our emotions; could the gift be a key to a new car, a book, piece of jewelry, a new garment, or gift card to a favorite restaurant.   However, what if the box were empty?  Wouldn’t we be disappointed, puzzled? […]

EASTER SUNDAY – Resurrection of our Lord

 Resurrection of Jesus – The belief that Jesus was raised bodily from the dead by God on the third day after Jesus’ crucifixion and burial, exalting him to the near presence of God in eternal glory. The resurrection of Jesus is at the heart of Christianity (Acts 2:22-36). Christian faith would be meaningless without the […]