A father and his son went on a fishing trip. When they returned home, the father was talking to a friend and at the same time the son was talking to a friend of his. The friend asked the father how the trip went, the father’s response, “Absolutely miserable, worse day of my life. We […]
Here is our VIDEO for the Sunday Mass. St. David’s In the Pines, Wellington, FL. Below is the YouTube link to Sunday’s video for Trinity Sunday, 1st Sunday after Pentecost. Unfortunately the FIRST VIDEO was without sound, but the overlay of hymn words are viewable, due to file transfer protocol (FTP) parameters (if you are […]
Russ Blowers was a minister in Indianapolis who was also active in his local Rotary club. At club meetings each week a member would give a brief statement about his or her job. When it was Russ’ turn; he’d say, “I’m with a global enterprise. We have branches in every country in the world. We […]
On Being Faithful Guidelines for a Shared Discernment on the Way Ahead in the Season of COVID-19 Executive Summary On Being Faithful embraces the key principles of effective communication, subsidiarity, sustainability, liability and advocacy – principles that are best summarized, if not better articulated and incarnated in the notion of accountability. As the community of faith in […]
May the Holy Trinity be with you this day and always, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our apologies for the unexpected delay in posting our video. Here is our VIDEO for the Sunday Mass. St. David’s In the Pines, Wellington, FL. Below is the YouTube link to Sunday’s video for Trinity Sunday, 1st Sunday after […]