Now that we’re at the beginning of the fifth month of the pandemic, (I’m measuring the weeks from the last Sunday in which we were able to worship together in person, which was March 8th) it feels in a strange way like Lent is still upon us. Lent is a time when we traditionally “give […]
On Being Faithful Guidelines for a Shared Discernment on the Way Ahead in the Season of COVID-19 Executive Summary On Being Faithful embraces the key principles of effective communication, subsidiarity, sustainability, liability and advocacy – principles that are best summarized, if not better articulated and incarnated in the notion of accountability. As the community of faith in […]
Here is our VIDEO (via YouTube) for the Sunday Mass. St. David’s In the Pines, Wellington, FL. Please remember to like, share and subscribe free to our church’s YouTube account to retain our permanent status in the future (only 40 subscriptions away). You may follow along with the scripture lessons via this […]
A certain father was desperate for some peace and quiet one wet Sunday afternoon, so from his newspaper’s color supplement he tore out a picture of a map of the world. He got a pair of scissors and cut the map into small pieces and then said to his children, “Come on now and put […]