The famed English architect Christopher Wren designed the large dome for , but it was such a unique design that he received much criticism from his colleagues. During the construction of the dome the authorities demanded that he add two huge supporting pillars to keep the dome from falling. (I can say that I […] Here is our VIDEO for the Sunday Mass. St. David’s In the Pines, Wellington, FL., We are prepped and posed to begin phasing our re-opening plan for in-person worship, but our church, school and all meetings/events are suspended indefinitely; the ban on in-service worship has been extended at least to July 31st. To all […]
Anyone driving around Wellington and “environs” in recent months will have noticed an increase in construction work sites; road widening, underground pipe installations, tree trimming, concrete light posts replacing wooden ones, and the customary pre-hurricane season preparations. The “sermon” here is that change may not always be as apparent, but life as we know it […]
Here is our VIDEO (via YouTube) for the Sunday Mass. St. David’s In the Pines, Wellington, FL. St. David’s in-the-Pines, 5th Sunday after Pentecost, 7/05/20 Happy blessed Independence Day. Here is our VIDEO for the Sunday Mass. St. David’s In the Pines, Wellington, FL., We are prepped and posed to begin phasing our re-opening […]
Now that we’re at the beginning of the fifth month of the pandemic, (I’m measuring the weeks from the last Sunday in which we were able to worship together in person, which was March 8th) it feels in a strange way like Lent is still upon us. Lent is a time when we traditionally “give […]