14:37:182020-09-20 14:37:37Video Mass - Sixteenth Sunday Mass after Pentecost
WEEKLY Message– September 20th I am pleased to tell you that the Diocese has lifted the moratorium for in-church worship and that St. David’s will be re-opening its doors Sunday, October 4, 2020 for both the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. masses! Weekday masses will resume next week – on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 am and […] 06:51:262020-09-13 06:51:26Video Mass - FifteenthSunday Mass after Pentecost
WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – September 13th – Fr. Thomas. During these days of pandemic shut down, I can easily understand how some folks aren’t sure what’s going to happen next, or who they are these days. I like the story about the retired English Bishop who was visiting a local nursing home. He leaned forward […] 06:40:432020-09-06 06:40:43Video Mass - Fourteenth Sunday Mass after Pentecost