WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – September 6th – Fr. Thomas.

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – September 6th – Fr. Thomas. The famed orchestra conductor Eugene Normandy was directing a piece of music that required a violin solo off stage.  When it came to that point in the recital there was a discordant screech heard from behind the curtain.  Later, Normandy asked what happened. The violinist replied, “You won’t […]

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – August 30th – Fr. Thomas.

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – August 30th – Fr. Thomas. A little boy was standing on the sidewalk in the middle of a city block.  He was obviously waiting for something.  An older man approached him and asked for what he was waiting.   The little boy confidently told him that he was waiting for the bus.  The […]