WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – February 12th – Fr. Thomas.

Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Lent originated as the period of preparation for those to be baptized at Easter. Jesus and John the Baptist each spent time fasting in the desert before entering into ministry. Christians observe this time of prayer and fasting to prepare for our observance of the […]

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – February 7th – Fr. Thomas.

With over two hundred million anticipated TV viewers of the Super Bowl this Sunday, I’ll share a favorite commentary of mine by an anonymous author. 12 Reasons why a local pastor stopped attending sports events Every time I went, they asked me for money The people sitting in my row didn’t seem very friendly. The […]

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – January 31st, 2021 – Fr. Thomas.

A new convert decided to test the effectiveness of prayer. Kneeling at the church’s altar he prayed for God to give shoes to a little girl he had seen barefoot that morning. Some time later he drove by her home to see if she had her new shoes. This routine went on for a number […]