WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – March 21st – Fr. Thomas.

I heard recently that the 21 Club, the famous “Jockey Club,” in New York City had closed down. Even though other restaurants have been forced to close during the Pandemic, it was a little surprising that this iconic venue in NYC had been affected as well. It’s been over a dozen years since my wife […]

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – March 14th – Fr. Thomas.

A story is told about the late evangelist, Billy Graham, while on a plane, was sitting behind a man who was drinking to excess. The man became rather loud and abusive. Finally, the attendant said to him, “Sir; do you know Billy Graham is sitting behind you? The man turned around and said, “Dr. Graham, […]

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – March 7th – Fr. Thomas.

On my day off I like to spend time outside – weeding, planting, landscaping. Some of the new plants and hedges I recently purchased however are already dropping dead leaves, but for a good reason – to make room for the new ones to grow. Lent reminds us that for new life and its “foliage” […]