WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – March 7th – Fr. Thomas.

On my day off I like to spend time outside – weeding, planting, landscaping. Some of the new plants and hedges I recently purchased however are already dropping dead leaves, but for a good reason – to make room for the new ones to grow. Lent reminds us that for new life and its “foliage” […]

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – February 28th – Fr. Thomas.

My wife and I have the custom of crossing ourselves and praying for the departed whenever we drive by a cemetery. I recall some years ago, however, while driving behind Our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery on Southern Blvd, crossing myself and reciting the usual prayer, “Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord, and may […]

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – February 21st – Fr. Thomas.

A newly appointed young priest was contracted by a local funeral home in Iowa to hold a graveside service at a small country cemetery. There would be no church service since the deceased had no family or friends left in the area. The priest left early for the cemetery, but got lost along the way. […]