WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – May 2nd – Fr. Thomas.

Lucy asks Charlie Brown in the popular cartoon series, “Charlie,” she says, “Life is like an ocean voyage on a cruise ship. Some passengers sit in their deck chairs in the bow and look hopefully into the future, while others sit in the stern and reflect on the past. Now, Charlie, in the cruise of […]

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – April 25th – Fr. Thomas.

The world has no shortage of fanatics and lunatics. Religious and political leaders rightly condemn acts of violence as deplorable and uncharacteristic of civil human behavior. But demonizing those who might be different from us doesn’t help either. How many incidents in recent weeks have been successful in spreading “terror” amongst the populous; and yet, […]

Video Mass – April 18th, 2021

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – April 18th – Fr. Thomas.

After one of the school chapel services this week, when it was time for the classes to leave the pews and walk out, one of the little girls said, “Aren’t we going to go up to the altar and look at the crèche?” She remembered that each class as a group came up last week […]

Video Mass – April 11th, 2021