06:50:132021-06-07 06:50:13Video Mass - June 6th, 2021
While helping our “Lay Weeders” landscape and clear out the vegetation debris recently, I was reminded of the story about a man who one day while mowing the lawn noticed a box that was left on his doorstep. So busy with his chores and wanting to get everything just right he didn’t bother to open […] 19:35:382021-06-01 19:35:38Video Mass - May 30th, 2021
This is graduation “season” for many students, whether live in-person, or online. I remember my son Aidan’s graduation from Boca High School a decade ago. At the commencement ceremony at the Fairgrounds, the school principal, in his “speech,” twice quoted St. Paul. What got my attention was his quotation of the famous line from First […] 20:15:232021-05-23 20:15:23Video Mass - May 23rd, 2021