10:13:012022-03-06 10:14:03Video Mass - Mar. 6th, 2022
When I was a student in theological college in England I sang in the college choir. One of the “duties” and privileges was to sing Evensong on Wednesday evenings in the cathedral across the street. It was called “Dumb Day:” not a reference to the seminarians, but the day the choir of men and boys […] 12:32:542022-02-28 12:35:44Fat Tuesday Celebration! - March 1 from 5-9PM
We have a new trash collection company in Wellington at present. Is it just me, or does it seems like the garbage and recyclable trucks are twice the size they were when I was a child? Reclamation facilities are now the size of football stadiums! God isn’t stingy, but I don’t think God wants us […]