WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – November 4th – Fr. Thomas

Hero worship is a popular element of our culture. Heroes in sports, music, entertainment are often the subjects of our admiration. As I observe our day school parents dropping off or collecting children every day, I can’t help but acknowledge who the real heroes are in everyday life. For some parents, just getting multiple children […]

Video Mass – October 30th, 2022

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – October 28th – Fr. Thomas

In my last sermon at my first parish in Rhode Island, where I happily served as the assistant priest for three years, I told the story about a rector who appeared to spend an inordinate amount of time maintaining the memorial garden of the church rather than out amongst the people in the parish. When […]

Video Mass – October 23rd, 2022

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – October 21st – Fr. Thomas

The baseball season is nearing its end with the playoffs going on at present. Leith Anderson, a pastor, shares an experience growing up as a boy outside of New York City. He was an avid fan of the old Brooklyn Dodgers. One day his father took him to a World Series game between the Dodgers […]