H H2023-03-05 13:30:172023-03-05 13:30:17Video Mass - Mar 5, 2023
Sometimes families leave cut flowers or planters after the funeral at church. Beautiful cut flowers last a week or so in their watered vase. But by contrast, if one puts the plant with water into the pot, exposed to sunlight, it will likely grow and be more vivacious. What’s the difference? It’s the root, not […] H H2023-02-26 12:38:472023-02-26 12:38:47Video Mass - Feb 26, 2023
So today, Ash Wednesday, is the first day of Lent. One of the frequently asked questions is, “What are you giving up for Lent?” Lent is not simply a period of bodily fasting, but a period of readjustment – realigning those things in our lives which hinder the growth of our discipleship and relationship with […] 10:11:202023-02-19 10:11:20Video Mass - Feb 19, 2023