
(VIDEO) – Sunday Mass – 6th Sunday after Pentecost – July 12th, 2020 

Here is our VIDEO  for the Sunday Mass. St. David’s In the Pines, Wellington, FL., We are prepped and posed to begin phasing our re-opening plan for in-person worship, but our church, school and all meetings/events are suspended indefinitely; the ban on in-service worship has been extended at least to July 31st. To all our members, we will be sending you details on our policy/procedures and what is expected at re-opening, when the diocese approves our plan details and sets a date pending statistical data.


Please remember to like, share and subscribe free to our church’s YouTube account to retain our permanent status in the future (only 38 subscriptions away).


You may follow along with the scripture lessons via this link below…  Please view TRACK 2 for proper readings…


During our weekly video filming we also record snippets of the mass to post to Facebook; please look for the Announcements and Scriptures there as well….


Bishop Peter Eaton has issued an EXECUTIVE SUMMARY for all the congregational faithful, listed on this website in our Weekly Newsletters area posted 6/26/20. St. David’s plan sent to the dioceses is pending approval so that we may forward it on to all of our members. We are NOT scheduled to open yet.

Here is the Bishop’s original policy…On Being Faithful


Here on our website, you may find videos, newsletters, global links, pictures as well as a future interactive scripture study, prayer wall and blog.

God Bless, grant you peace and may you be well.

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – July 12th – Fr. Thomas

Anyone driving around Wellington and “environs” in recent months will have noticed an increase in construction work sites; road widening, underground pipe installations, tree trimming, concrete light posts replacing wooden ones, and the customary pre-hurricane season preparations.  The “sermon” here is that change may not always be as apparent, but life as we know it never remains the same.  Yet, the Good News as St. Paul wrote to the Philippians (4:13) is that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  The end of the road may not be “in sight,” but as long as we keep our eyes firmly fixed on the goal of everlasting life, we’ll be on the right track.  Because if you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere anyway.

The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called Success. 

So, accept your path, with its twists and turns.  The adventure is in the journey, not the arriving, because God promises a safe landing, not necessarily a smooth passage.


Video Viewing Options – there are four different ways to view our videos and receive our newsletters: 1) an email link within a newsletter; 2) our church website listed below; 3) our YouTube channel;  4) Facebook snippets. See the links below.

Opportunities for Giving – there are several options that safely and efficiently expedite your generous donations: electronic bank transfers or automatic bank transfers via personal accounts or credit/debit cards; personal checks delivered by USPS; and our favorite through joining our giving family online through our website or at with our secure vendor Church Envelope Budget Company, who provides you with yearly offering envelopes. Please do NOT leave any envelopes with checks/cash unattended at church mailboxes.

2021 Offering Packets – I will be sending my file for 2021 yearly offering packets for printing. If you have any address changes, or if you NO longer use envelopes and send your contributions via, keeping costs down, please let me know so that I can remove your name from the

The Diocese of Southeast Florida – has extended the ban on Church-wide in-person services, events and meetings and other activity until further notice, until at least July 31st. Live-streaming and recording of worship will continue, but no other in-person activity is permitted. We will move into Season 2 only when we are clear that it is safe to do so.

Cyber-Security Threats – are real and can happen to any of us. Knowing that most of you did receive last week’s newsletter but not the Sunday mass video, please look in your junk/spam/trash folders, mark our emails as ‘not junk’ and re-type the church’s email address back into your contacts. Hopefully, none of you replied to the hacker’s scam to purchase gift cards or send money to an unknown party; be sure to delete that scam email out of your inbox, trash, and delete files. Make sure our original email address is the only one you have. If in doubt, call the parish office.

Flowers for the Altar – Thank you to our donor for their contributions from March through June. If you wish to designate someone to be honored August and September, or in any month, please contact the parish office. July designees are:

  • Birthdays of Michel & Theresa Guillaume, by Michel Guillaume
  • Wedding Anniversary of Michel & Theresa Guillaume, by Michel Guillaume
  • In loving Memory of Robert Gardinier, by Jan Swearingen & Henriette Gardinier
  • Wedding Anniversary of Mike & Sue Riddle, by the Riddles

Village of Wellington – the food distribution in Wellington is at the Wellington Mall by Nordstrom’s at 8:30-10:30 a.m. on TUESDAYS. You will be given a voucher when you are in line. Let the person know if you are getting food for more than one family. View the link to learn more information…

Sandwiches for St. George’s Outreach Project Extended through July – Please continue to prepare sandwiches for St. George’s and bring them to St. David’s parking lot each Wednesday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 am. Thank you for your continued support!

Please Pray – For the sick: Annabella, Ed, Zoe. Jacob, Rita, Sarah, William, Richard, Carole, Sandy, Kim, Joe, Steve, Bob, Linda, Francine, Donna, Ashlyn. For birthday celebrations: Kenneth Barnett, Lauren Melton, Lucas Joseph, Joyce parker, Marc Duquesnay, Estelle Beresford, Danielle Kiminyo, Laurel Tarr, For our expectant mother: Andrea. For the faithful departed; Alicia Blodgett.

(VIDEO) – Sunday Mass – 5th Sunday after Pentecost – July 5th, 2020

Here is our VIDEO (via YouTube) for the Sunday Mass. St. David’s In the Pines, Wellington, FL.

St. David’s in-the-Pines, 5th Sunday after Pentecost, 7/05/20


Happy blessed Independence Day. Here is our VIDEO for the Sunday Mass. St. David’s In the Pines, Wellington, FL., We are prepped and posed to begin phasing our re-opening plan for in-person worship, but our church, school and all meetings/events are suspended indefinitely; the ban on in-service worship has been extended at least to July 31st. To all our members, we will be sending you details on our policy/procedures and what is expected at re-opening, when the diocese approves our plan details and sets a date pending statistical data.


Please remember to like, share and subscribe free to our church’s YouTube account to retain our permanent status in the future (only 40 subscriptions away).


You may follow along with the scripture lessons via this link below…  Please view TRACK 2 for proper readings… 


During our weekly video filming we also record snippets of the mass to post to Facebook; please look for the Announcements and Scriptures there as well….


Bishop Peter Eaton has issued an EXECUTIVE SUMMARY for all the congregational faithful, listed on this website in our Weekly Newsletters area posted 6/26/20. St. David’s plan sent to the dioceses is pending approval so that we may forward it on to all of our members. We are NOT scheduled to open yet.

Here is the Bishop’s original policy…


Here on our website, you may find videos, newsletters, global links, pictures as well as a future interactive scripture study, prayer wall and blog.

God Bless, grant you peace and may you be well.

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – July 5th – Fr. Thomas

Now that we’re at the beginning of the fifth month of the pandemic, (I’m measuring the weeks from the last Sunday in which we were able to worship together in person, which was March 8th) it feels in a strange way like Lent is still upon us.  Lent is a time when we traditionally “give up” something; but for only forty days, not four months! It’s when we’re afraid of what we might have to give up that we hear Jesus words in the Gospel reading from St. Matthew for this Sunday, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

A guy fell off a cliff and, on the way, down, he grabs a branch. It’s foggy, and he has difficulty seeing. He’s hanging on for dear life. He looks up and cries, “Somebody help!  He hears God’s voice, “This is the Lord, trust Me, let go and I’ll catch you.” He thinks he’s hearing things, so he asks, “Is anybody else there?” Again, he hears God’s voice, “This is the Lord, trust Me, let go and I’ll catch you.”  The man finally decides to trust God and let go, and when he does, the fog disappears to reveal that he is only two feet off the ground.

Maybe it seems sometimes that things are worse off than they really are.  Perhaps for most of us, but sadly there are folks who are a lot worse off than we are. Those who have lost their jobs, their health, and their lives.  So, what have we given up thus far during the “lock down?”  Visiting relatives or friends, dining at our favorite restaurants, traveling to places we we’re looking forward to seeing, resources no longer at our disposal. Put your so called “disasters” in perspective and ask yourself, “In five years will this matter?” Because worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow troubles, it takes away today’s peace.  May that peace, which passes all understanding, abide in our hearts and minds this day, this month, and forevermore.  AMEN!



Happy Blessed & Safe Independence Day Weekend

The Diocese of Southeast Florida – has extended the ban on Church-wide in-person services, events and meetings and other activity until further notice, until at least July 31st. Live-streaming and recording of worship will continue, but no other in-person activity is permitted. We will move into Season 2 only when we are clear that it is safe to do so.

Cyber-Security Threats – are real and can happen to any of us. Knowing that most of you did receive last week’s newsletter but not the Sunday mass video, please look in your junk/spam/trash folders, mark our emails as ‘not junk’ and re-type the church’s email address back into your contacts. Hopefully, none of you replied to the hacker’s scam to purchase gift cards or send money to an unknow party; be sure to delete that scam email out of your inbox, trash, and delete files. Make sure our original email address is the only one you have. If in doubt, call the parish office.

Video Viewing Options – there are four different ways to view our videos and receive our newsletters: 1) an email link within a newsletter; 2) our church website listed below; 3) our YouTube channel;  4) Facebook snippets.


Village of Wellington – the food distribution in Wellington is at the Wellington Mall by Nordstrom’s at 8:30-10:30 a.m. on TUESDAYS. You will be given a voucher when you are in line. Let the person know if you are getting food for more than one family. View the link to learn more information…

Flowers for the Altar – Thank you to our donor for their contributions from March through June. If you wish to designate someone to be honored August and September, or in any month, please contact the parish office. July designees are:

  • Birthdays of Michel & Theresa Guillaume, by Michel Guillaume
  • Wedding Anniversary of Michel & Theresa Guillaume, by Michel Guillaume
  • In loving Memory of Robert Gardinier, by Jan Swearingen & Henriette Gardinier
  • Wedding Anniversary of Mike & Sue Riddle, by the Riddles

Sandwiches for St. George’s Outreach Project Extended through July – Please continue to prepare sandwiches for St. George’s and bring them to St. David’s parking lot each Wednesday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 am. Thank you for your continued support!


Please Pray – For the sick: Zoe. Jacob, Rita, Sarah, Alicia, William, Richard, Carole, Sandy, Kim, Joe, Steve, Bob, Linda, Francine, Donna, Ashlyn. For birthday celebrations: Rudy Bernard, Lynda Rozzi, Laurie Solomon. For our expectant mother: Andrea.