Sunday Mass – 6th Sunday of Easter – May 17th, 2020 – (VIDEO)
Good Sunday morning to you and your family.
Good Sunday morning to you and your family.
Good Sunday morning & Happy Mother’s Day to you and your family.
Please enjoy this prayerful meditation time and receive a blessing for the Holy Eucharist Adoration.
Our YouTube video.
This VIDEO available through our FaceBook page under the category of VIDEOS.
Enjoy some meditative prayer time with the Rosary and benediction of the Holy Eucharist
Posted by St. David's In The Pines Episcopal Church on Thursday, May 7, 2020
Enjoy our VIDEO for the Third Sunday of Easter.
Please click on our YouTube channel below, viewed also on our website (subscribe free so that we may retain our channel).
Thank you and God be with you.
Also available on Facebook and via member E-Newsletter link.
Have a blessed Sunday morning and make this a wonderful week.