For the sick: Audley, Bernadette, Beverly, Bob, Carol, Carmen, Cathey, Clive, Danny, Dennis, Dennis Y., Dudley, Elsa, Elston, Emily, Evelyn, Glenn, Gloria, Iris, Irwin, Jameson, Jenni, Jim, Kyle, Linda, Lloyd, Logan, Mary Ann, Megan, Michael G., Michael M., Pat B., Pat, Pearl, Peggy, Phyllis, Rohan, Ronald, Shelley, Taj, Tanner, Teresa, Thelma, Tom M., Tom P., Vinnette, Violet.
For birthday celebrations: Dennis Amiel, Carly LaBorde, Maksim Goya, Millicent Thompson, Michelle Blodgett, William Blodgett, Tom Parker.
For anniversary celebration: Tom and Joyce Parker.
For our search committee: Howard Barrett, Jenifer Elmore, Janice Jacques, Kristi Lee, Sera Peat, Yvonne Wolliston, Cecil Wray.
We welcome the Rev. Canon Fletcher Montgomery as our celebrant and preacher this Sunday.
Hospitality Hour is scheduled immediately after the 10:00 a.m. service – Hosted by the Daughters of the King. Next week will be hosted by the Vestry.
Blanket donations collection for St. George’s last day is Sunday, January 26th. We are collecting new, or clean and slightly used blankets at both services.
Men’s Workday is scheduled for Saturday, February 1st at 8:30 a.m. to repair fence and other projects.
Blood Drive is scheduled on Sunday, February 9th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Church Directory. If you ordered a picture directory, please pick it up on Sunday in the narthex. If you did not order one, and would like a copy, they will be on sale for $20.
Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled on Sunday, February 2nd immediately after the 10:00 a.m. service in the Parish Hall.
“Souper Bowl”. We will be collecting cans of soup starting Sundays, February 2nd and February 9th. Support your favorite team by donating cans or packages of soup or other non-perishable food and place it in the bin for either team to vote for the winner.
St. David’s Rummage Sale. We will be holding a rummage sale on Saturday, February 15th from the back of your car. Participants will need to price their items and sell them. All proceeds will go to the church as a Fundraiser. The church will provide tables. Anything that does not sell will need to be taken away. If you would like to participate, please text or call Linda McKeown at 561-254-3902 by 2/2 to reserve your space. We need to know who will participate in order to advertise and move forward if we have enough participants.
Wellness Seminar – Trustbridge Hospice Care is scheduled on Saturday, February 22nd at 12:00 noon in the Parish Hall.
Altar Flowers. Everyone enjoys seeing fresh flowers on the altar. Please let Linda McKeown know if you would like to donate flowers for the altar for a Sunday during 2025. We would like to make the budget and need about 20 more donations of $40 each. These are delivered to shut-ins each Sunday. We need used medium sized vases for flower delivery.
Sunday school is open and available for children starting at age 3 years old.
This Week at St. David’s in-the-Pines
Tuesday – 8:30 am Morning Prayer
Wednesday – 8:30 – 9:30 am: Sandwiches for St. George’s
(Please bring your sandwiches to St. David’s west side parking lot)
Sunday – 8:00 am – Worship Service
9:00 am – Bible Study
10:00 am – Worship Service (Hospitality hour to follow)
10:00 am – Sunday School
11:30 am – Women’s Bible Study
There are several options that safely and efficiently expedite your generous donations:
Electronic bank transfers or automatic bank transfers via personal accounts or credit/debit cards;