WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – May 26th – Fr. Thomas

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, when we celebrate the birth of the Church with the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. The Holy Spirit’s entrance into the Church made Jesus alive again in the Body of the Church. Just as the Holy Spirit entered into the Blessed Mother of Jesus the first time, so on Pentecost we remember the Spirit’s entry into the Body of Christ. Fifty days after Easter, it was time for God to be “born again” and pass life on to future generations. This Sunday, we will baptize five children who will grow into the grace and love of God, and spread the Good News just as the apostles did two millennia ago.
So, do we believe in a God who still works wonders today, who sets disciples on fire and changes the world? Or are we just the “Bland leading the Bland?” Perhaps we think that the problems of the world are too big for us. We think we cannot change our world or ourselves. Well, by ourselves, it probably would be challenging, but we are not in this world alone. However, it’s tempting to use that as an excuse to live with our problems. But Pentecost says that we’re all in this together. No part of the body is indispensable, we are all interrelated. There are a variety of gifts but the same spirit – a variety of ministries, but the same Lord.
In the Pentecost God comes again, not as a baby in a manger, but as Spirit in wind and fire. God works from the inside out – transforming us, and we too can give birth to the reality of God’s power & love among us. So. . . are we just full of “hot air,” or does the Spirit of God truly dwell within us?

Weekly Offering for Week Ending 5/20/2023. Total $4,231.00. Average Weekly Budget $4,646.00. The difference ($415.00).

ECW Luncheon. ECW will meet for lunch at Butterfield’s restaurant in Royal Palm Beach at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 3. Email Irene Oknewski at ireneok1940@outlook.com by Thursday, June 1, if you would like to attend.

Father Thomas’ Retirement Brunch Celebration will be held on Sunday, June 4th at The Wanderers Club located at 1900 Aero Club Drive, Wellington from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. If you plan to attend, please R.S.V.P as soon as possible. If you wish to give a donation, please contact Laurie Cohen by email at lscohen520@gmail.com, text or call her at cell 561-252-9828 as soon as possible.

St. David’s Summer Soiree. St. David’s Summer Soirée Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, June 17th from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the Temple Beth Torah located at 900 Big Blue Trace, Wellington. Tickets are now on sale after service. The cost is $75.00 per person in advance and $80.00 at the door. Join us for an evening of dinner and dancing. It’s a great weekend for celebrating your Fathers too!

Sunday Bible Study – There will be no bible study this Sunday, May 28th. The next meeting will be on Sunday, June 4th, when we will be discussing Chapter 3 of the Gospel of John.

Women’s Bible Study is scheduled each Sunday at 11:30 a.m. They will meet in the Mark Room. There is no Bible Study on Sunday, June 4th.

There will be no formal Sunday School this weekend so all the children can watch their friends being baptized. A special craft given out to the children.

Forward Day by Day brochures for the next quarter are now available in the narthex. Donation $3.00.

Tuesdays:Holy Eucharist.

Sunday’s Worship – We are open for live worship on Sundays at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. We also “live-stream” our 10 a.m. service.

Video Viewing Options for Sunday’s mass. There are three different ways to view our videos: 1) our church website; 2) our Facebook page; and 3) our YouTube channel. See the links listed below.

Opportunities for Giving – there are several options that safely and efficiently expedite your generous donations: electronic bank transfers or automatic bank transfers via personal accounts or credit/debit cards; personal checks delivered by USPS; and our favorite through joining our giving family online through our website or at https://www.myEoffering.com with our secure vendor Church Envelope Budget Company, who provides you with yearly offering envelopes. Please do NOT leave any envelopes with checks/cash unattended at church mailboxes.

PLEASE PRAY. For the sick: Adrian, Alice, Annette, Barbara, Beth, Carol, Carolyn, Chester, David, Dee, Diana, Dolores, Donna, Dorothy, Doris, Doug, Dudley, Ezra, Gina, Grace, Jacob, James, Jayden, Jeanne, Jill, Joaquin, Jory, Kenzie, Manuel, Michael, Miguel, Parker, Patricia, Predrag, Rachel, Robin, Ron, Rosie, Scott, Sharon, Shelly, Steve, Sue, Susan, Theresa, Tracy, Vernetta, Violet, William, Woody. For birthday celebrations: John M. Webber, Charles Sandell. For anniversary celebrations: Erin and Fr. Steven Thomas. For our expectant mothers: Taylor and Bethany

Our YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/SaintDavidsinthePinesWellingtonFL