WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – October 31st – Fr. Thomas
/in Weekly Message /by ChristianCharlie was a regular visitor at the racetrack. One afternoon he noticed an unusual sight. Right before the first race, a Catholic priest visited one of the horses in the paddock area and gave it a blessing. Charlie watched the horse race very carefully, and sure enough the blessed horse came in 1st! Charlie followed the priest before the next race, again the priest went to the paddock and performed a similar procedure. Charlie played a hunch and put a couple of dollars on the blessed horse. Sure enough, the blessed horse came in by two lengths, and Charlie won close to fifty bucks!
The priest continued the same procedure through the next few races and Charlie won each time. He was now ahead $1,000 so between races Charlie left the track and went to the bank and withdrew his life’s savings, $20,000. The feature race of the day was next. Charlie followed the priest and watched carefully which horse he blessed. He then went to the betting window and put his whole $21,000 bundle of cash on that horse to win. Then Charlie went down to the finish line to watch the race. Down the stretch they came. The horse he bet on broke first from the gate and led for a couple of furlongs, then all of a sudden he started to fade. One by one each horse passed him and finally the jockey pulled up the favorite and gently guided him off the track. Charlie was dumbfounded and crushed. He went to the paddock, found the priest and told him that he had been watching him bless the horses all day and they all won except the last horse on which he had bet his life savings. Charlie then asked, “What happened to the last horse which you blessed? Why didn’t it win like the others?” “That’s the trouble with you Protestants,” the priest sighed, “You can’t tell the difference between a blessing and Last Rites.”
So what does it mean to be blessed? “Blessed” in Greek means joy – and the side effects are peace and tranquility. It’s related to the word “bliss,” which was used by the ancient Greeks to describe a life free of anxiety, an untroubled state of perfect harmony and calm. The Greek word conveys a message something like, “Oh, you lucky person!” So Jesus said in effect, “How lucky are the unlucky!” So, if following the Beatitudes makes one happy with an internal joy regardless of our circumstances, do we receive rewards only in this life, or in the next? REJOICE and BE GLAD! For Christ has called you out of the world! Take joy, you who are poor in spirit –you will see heaven. Take joy, you who mourn – God will comfort you. Take joy, you who are meek – the earth is given to you. Take joy, you who are desperate for righteousness – the Spirit will guide you. Take joy, you who show mercy – for those in God will receive no condemnation. Take joy, you who have been given pure hearts – one day your eyes will see God. Take joy, you who seek peace – God is your Father. Take joy, even in trials – for your reward is great in heaven. Remember, it’s not what they take from you that counts: it’s what you do with what you have left.
Sunday’s Worship – We are open for live worship on Sundays at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. We also “live-stream” our 10 a.m. service.
Video Viewing Options for Sunday’s mass. There are three different ways to view our videos: 1) our church website; 2) our Facebook page; and 3) our YouTube channel. See the links listed below.
Opportunities for Giving – there are several options that safely and efficiently expedite your generous donations: electronic bank transfers or automatic bank transfers via personal accounts or credit/debit cards; personal checks delivered by USPS; and our favorite through joining our giving family online through our website or at https://www.myEoffering.com with our secure vendor Church Envelope Budget Company, who provides you with yearly offering envelopes. Please do NOT leave any envelopes with checks/cash unattended at church mailboxes.
Sandwiches for St. George’s: Please bring your sandwiches to St. David’s west side paring lot each Thursday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Hospitality Hour is scheduled after the 10:00 a.m. mass – Hosted by Maria Scher.
Bunco continues on Saturday, November 13th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Loads of fun and super easy for newcomers! The more the merrier, so please bring a friend, a bite to share, and your favorite beverage! Cash prizes awarded – even if you lose! $10 per person.
Shop with Scrip: Gift card fundraising is the best way to raise money. Start giving back to St. David’s the moment you buy a gift card with the RaiseRight mobile app today! You can join the program by downloading the app on your phone or go to www.ShopWithScrip.com on your computer. The enrollment code to set up your free family account is BB6656B177722. For more information, please pick up a flyer in the narthex, or email Kimberly Joy Castellotti-Ward at choiceplusrealestate@gmail.com
Altar Flowers and Candles: We will have a bag on the credenza to collect all flower and candle donations for upcoming Sundays. If you would like to donate for altar flowers for memorials and celebrations, please put your check for $40 with a request showing the date you want altar flowers and the reason for your donation into the bag. If you want to donate candles, please put your check for $20 and request showing date and reason for donation. Do not put flower and candle requests in offering plates.
Vases for Flowers: The flower delivery ministry is in need of vases to be used weekly to put flowers in to be delivered to people. If anyone has any medium to large size vases, please bring in and place in Ladies Room of the church. Thanks. Linda McKeown.
Sunday School is still in operation with the necessary protocol in place.
Forward Day by Day brochures for the next quarter are now available in the narthex. Donation $3.00.
Tuesdays: Holy Eucharist 8:30 a.m.
Wednesdays: Eucharistic Adoration at 6:00 p.m.
Wednesdays: Holy Eucharist and Rosary 6:30 p.m.
PLEASE PRAY: For the sick: Alice, Assad, Barbara, Beth, Carol, Donna, Doug, Jacob, Jayden, Jeanne, Joaquin, Manuel, Max, Michael, Miguel, Mike, Parker, Susan. For the departed: Jim Wigglesworth, Melba Vlahakis. For birthday celebrations: Zoe Chung, Julie Skinner, Jean-Rene Guillaume, The Rev. Steven Thomas, Trevor Carter. For anniversary celebration: Jim and Sherry Richardson. For our expectant mothers: Ana, Meghan, Priya and Ryan.
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzWRA9VxChBQd5l6rf3kF3A
WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – October 24th – Fr. Thomas
/in Weekly Message /by ChristianI began my ministry as an acolyte when I was ten years old, in my local parish church in suburban Northern Kentucky, but when I was in my teens, I was also a regularly scheduled server at the Convent of the Transfiguration in Glendale Ohio, just north of Cincinnati. The nuns “imported” boys from local parishes to serve at the Sunday morning mass at 7:30 a.m. God bless my great uncle who would make the thirty-five minute drive across the river once a month or more, then transport me back to our home parish for the weekly 10:00 a.m. mass, until I got my own driver’s license and car.
The Sisters of the Transfiguration is a religious order in our Church founded in 1898 by Eva Marie Proctor – yes, a daughter of the Proctor family, as in Proctor and Gamble. In fact, the convent grounds and chapel were built directly across the road from the family estate where the young Proctor descendent had grown up. (The convent also operates a prestigious middle school to this day.) Whenever I see the company name on one of the various products in our house, I wonder what thoughts must have crossed Eva Marie’s mind on a regular basis to gaze across the road and speculate on what “might have been,” if she’d remained under the roof of the immediate family and an heiress to the family fortune.
God doesn’t call everyone to follow the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience; but those who accept the call are examples in some ways of what God expects all followers of Christ to do: not necessarily to “give up something,” but to take on something. As I’m fond of saying, if one has drinkable water, food for three meals a day, access to medical care and education, and a place to live; that person is rich in the eyes of two thirds of the world. Toys R Us is not simply the name of a store, rather it’s a way of life for many people, particularly when luxuries become necessities. But the Christian Gospel reminds us that “No one is so poor that they have nothing to give; and no one is so rich that he or she has nothing to receive.” As Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
Sunday’s Worship – We are open for live worship on Sundays at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. We also “live-stream” our 10 a.m. service.
Video Viewing Options for Sunday’s mass. There are three different ways to view our videos: 1) our church website; 2) our Facebook page; and 3) our YouTube channel. See the links listed below.
Opportunities for Giving – there are several options that safely and efficiently expedite your generous donations: electronic bank transfers or automatic bank transfers via personal accounts or credit/debit cards; personal checks delivered by USPS; and our favorite through joining our giving family online through our website or at https://www.myEoffering.com with our secure vendor Church Envelope Budget Company, who provides you with yearly offering envelopes. Please do NOT leave any envelopes with checks/cash unattended at church mailboxes.
Sandwiches for St. George’s: Please bring your sandwiches to St. David’s west side paring lot each Thursday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Hospitality Hour is scheduled after the 10:00 a.m. mass – Hosted by the Caribbean Congregation.
Caribbean Sunday: Please join us for our 1st Caribbean Sunday service on Sunday, October 24th at 10 a.m. We will have steel pan music with a Caribbean reception following the mass. St. David’s in-the-Pines remains committed to the health and safety of all who enter our sanctuary. We continue to follow the protocols set by the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida. Guests are strongly encouraged to wear facial coverings that covers the nose and mouth.
Shop with Scrip: Gift card fundraising is the best way to raise money. Start giving back to St. David’s the moment you buy a gift card with the RaiseRight mobile app today! You can join the program by downloading the app on your phone or go to www.ShopWithScrip.com on your computer. The enrollment code to set up your free family account is BB6656B177722. For more information, please pick up a flyer in the narthex, or email Kimberly Joy Castellotti-Ward at choiceplusrealestate@gmail.com
Altar Flowers and Candles: We will have a bag on the credenza to collect all flower and candle donations for upcoming Sundays. If you would like to donate for altar flowers for memorials and celebrations, please put your check for $40 with a request showing the date you want altar flowers and the reason for your donation into the bag. If you want to donate candles, please put your check for $20 and request showing date and reason for donation. Do not put flower and candle requests in offering plates.
Sunday School is still in operation with the necessary protocol in place.
Forward Day by Day brochures for the next quarter are now available in the narthex. Donation $3.00.
Tuesdays: Holy Eucharist 8:30 a.m.
Wednesdays: Holy Eucharist and Rosary 6:30 p.m.
PLEASE PRAY: For the sick: Assad, Barbara, Beth, Carol, Donna, Doug, Ginny, Jacob, Jayden, Jeanne, Joaquin, Manuel, Max, Michael, Miguel, Mike, Parker, Rosalind, Susan. For the departed: Slobodanka. For birthday celebrations: Violet Henry, Henry Marshall, Callie Hawk, Fay Ishmael, Iann McCree. For our expectant mothers: Meghan, Priya and Ryan.
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzWRA9VxChBQd5l6rf3kF3A
WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – October 17th – Fr. Thomas
/in Weekly Message /by ChristianPaddy Kerrigan was going through Irish customs after his trip to France. Among his suitcases stood a brown gallon container. “And what might this be?” asked the customs officer. “Sure, that is holy water from Lourdes I’m bringing back to my loved ones.” The customs officer unscrewed the top, sniffed, blinked, raised the bottle, and tasted the contents. “Water, did you say? This is brandy, strong French brandy!” “Praise the Lord!” cried Kerrigan; “Another miracle!”
We’re all familiar with the poplar story in John’s Gospel of Jesus changing water into wine, a hundred and eighty gallons, at the wedding feast of Cana; (after they had already consumed the first lot.) So how does our walk with Jesus change our life for the better? How does it transform our emptiness into something even greater? When the wine of our souls runs out, follow Mary’s words, “Do whatever he tells you.” And for that reason alone– she ought to be our heroine; because as a woman of faith Mary believed Jesus could do anything.
So “Hang in There.” Remember, though, before God can fill us up, He has to empty out “the old water” first. God can only fill us up in proportion to the emptiness of our cup. We are earthen vessels; and God wants to wash out the guilt, sorrow, resentment, selfishness, and pride of our lives. The Good News is that we don’t walk the journey alone. Mary and all the saints accompany us. As she was there at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, so she was there at its earthly end too. In Him is the “Fullness of Joy;” and we pray that His joy might be in us and that our joy might be full. Jesus saved the best for last; because the best is yet to come.
Sunday’s Worship – We are open for live worship on Sundays at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. We also “live-stream” our 10 a.m. service.
Video Viewing Options for Sunday’s mass. There are three different ways to view our videos: 1) our church website; 2) our Facebook page; and 3) our YouTube channel. See the links listed below.
Opportunities for Giving – there are several options that safely and efficiently expedite your generous donations: electronic bank transfers or automatic bank transfers via personal accounts or credit/debit cards; personal checks delivered by USPS; and our favorite through joining our giving family online through our website or at https://www.myEoffering.com with our secure vendor Church Envelope Budget Company, who provides you with yearly offering envelopes. Please do NOT leave any envelopes with checks/cash unattended at church mailboxes.
Blood Drive: The Big Red Bus will be at St. David’s on Sunday, October 17th, from 8:30 am to 12 pm. To donate please register at https://donor.oneblood.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/1045955. Be sure to eat a good breakfast. Remember, you can save lives by donating. Thank you, Joyce Parker 561-312-2719
Sandwiches for St. George’s: Please bring your sandwiches to St. David’s west side paring lot each Thursday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Hospitality Hour is scheduled after the 10:00 a.m. mass – Hosted by the Congregation.
Caribbean Sunday: Please join us for our 1st Caribbean Sunday service on October 24th at 10 a.m. We will have steel pan music with a Caribbean reception following the mass. Volunteers and donations are welcomed! For more information, please contact Howard Barrett at 917-837-2675
Shop with Scrip: Gift card fundraising is the best way to raise money. Start giving back to St. David’s the moment you buy a gift card with the RaiseRight mobile app today! You can join the program by downloading the app on your phone or go to www.ShopWithScrip.com on your computer. The enrollment code to set up your free family account is BB6656B177722. For more information, please pick up a flyer in the narthex, or email Kimberly Joy Castellotti-Ward at choiceplusrealestate@gmail.com
Altar Flowers and Candles: We will have a bag on the credenza to collect all flower and candle donations for upcoming Sundays. If you would like to donate for altar flowers for memorials and celebrations, please put your check for $40 with a request showing the date you want altar flowers and the reason for your donation into the bag. If you want to donate candles, please put your check for $20 and request showing date and reason for donation. Do not put flower and candle requests in offering plates.
Sunday School is still in operation with the necessary protocol in place.
Forward Day by Day brochures for the next quarter are now available in the narthex. Donation $3.00.
Tuesdays: Holy Eucharist 8:30 a.m.
Wednesdays: Holy Eucharist and Rosary 6:30 p.m.
PLEASE PRAY: For the sick: Assad, Barbara, Beth, Carol, Donna, Doug, Ginny, Jacob, Jayden, Jeanne, Joaquin, Manuel, Max, Michael, Miguel, Mike, Parker, Rosalind, Susan. For the departed: Peggy Forbes, Granville Worell. For birthday celebrations: Yvonne Wolliston, Aaron Harvey-Chung, Christopher Hernandez. For anniversary celebration: Everald and Phyllis Thomas. For our expectant mothers: Lauren, Meghan, Priya and Ryan.
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzWRA9VxChBQd5l6rf3kF3A
WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – October 10th – Fr. Thomas
/in Weekly Message /by ChristianThe telephone rang in a noted surgeon’s home on the outskirts of a large city. It was in the early hours of the morning. When the surgeon answered it, he heard the voice of a staff doctor at the hospital where he worked calling him to come immediately. A child was violently ill and the only answer was surgery.
He quickly got dressed, grabbed his doctor’s case, and drove toward the city. At the first traffic light at the bare edge of town, he had to stop when the signal turned red. Then it happened: the passenger side door opened, and a man entered and seated himself down. He was dressed in an old brown corduroy coat with a shabby brown cap on his head. When the light changed, the surgeon started to pull away only to have a gun poked into his ribs, and the passenger said, “Stop the car!” What would the doctor do? He stopped, and when the man said, “Get out!” what else could he do. He got out; and the man took over the car and sped away.
The surgeon walked with his case to the nearest gas station, which was quite a distance ahead, very upset over what had happened. As soon as he reached the gas station, he called for a taxi which was late in arriving. Eventually he arrived at the hospital. “Too late!” They told him; the child had died. “If only he had been there on time,” he thought. Then the inevitable and difficult question: “Would you speak with the child’s family?” Of course, he consented, wondering what to say. When he entered the room, there was only one person present: the very man in the brown corduroy coat and shabby brown cap who had stolen his car! The thief had forced out of his life the only person who could have saved his child’s life!
Apparently this is a true story; and sadly, too many people often force God out of their life, particularly at those moments when they need God’s presence and saving grace the most. Regular sacramental worship, reading the scriptures, saying one’s prayers, and where possible, ministering to those in need of our kindness, will help keep us on the right path, and prevent those people and moments from evicting the very person who can help us the most – Jesus Christ our Lord, by the power of His Holy Spirit.
Bunco continues on Saturday, October 9 th at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Loads of fun and super easy for newcomers! The more the merrier, so bring a friend. Cash prizes awarded – even if you lose! Bring a bite to share and your favorite beverage – $10 per person.
Sunday’s Worship – We are open for live worship on Sundays at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. We also “live-stream” our 10 a.m. service.
Video Viewing Options for Sunday’s mass. There are three different ways to view our videos: 1) our church website; 2) our Facebook page; and 3) our YouTube channel. See the links listed below.
Opportunities for Giving – there are several options that safely and efficiently expedite your generous donations: electronic bank transfers or automatic bank transfers via personal accounts or credit/debit cards; personal checks delivered by USPS; and our favorite through joining our giving family online through our website or at https://www.myEoffering.com with our secure vendor Church Envelope Budget Company, who provides you with yearly offering envelopes. Please do NOT leave any envelopes with checks/cash unattended at church mailboxes.
Sandwiches for St. George’s: Please bring your sandwiches to St. David’s west side paring lot each Thursday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Hospitality Hour is scheduled after the 10:00 a.m. mass – Hosted by the Congregation.
Blood Drive: The Big Red Bus will be at St. David’s on Sunday, October 17th, from 8:30 am to 12 pm. To donate please register at https://donor.oneblood.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/1045955. Be sure to eat a good breakfast. Remember, you can save lives by donating. Thank you, Joyce Parker 561-312-2719
Caribbean Sunday: Please join us for our 1st Caribbean Sunday service on October 24th at 10 a.m. We will have steel pan music with a Caribbean reception following the mass. Volunteers and donations are welcomed! For more information, please contact Howard Barrett at 917-837-2675
Shop with Scrip: Gift card fundraising is the best way to raise money. Start giving back to St. David’s the moment you buy a gift card with the RaiseRight mobile app today! You can join the program by downloading the app on your phone or go to www.ShopWithScrip.com on your computer. The enrollment code to set up your free family account is BB6656B177722. For more information, please pick up a flyer in the narthex, or email Kimberly Joy Castellotti-Ward at choiceplusrealestate@gmail.com
Altar Flowers and Candles: We will have a bag on the credenza to collect all flower and candle donations for upcoming Sundays. If you would like to donate for altar flowers for memorials and celebrations, please put your check for $40 with a request showing the date you want altar flowers and the reason for your donation into the bag. If you want to donate candles, please put your check for $20 and request showing date and reason for donation. Do not put flower and candle requests in offering plates.
Sunday School is still in operation with the necessary protocol in place.
Forward Day by Day brochures for the next quarter are now available in the narthex. Donation $3.00.
Tuesdays: Holy Eucharist 8:30 a.m.
Wednesdays: Holy Eucharist and Rosary 6:30 p.m.
PLEASE PRAY: For the sick: Assad, Barbara, Beth, Carol, Donna, Doug, Ginny, Jacob, Jayden, Jeanne, Joaquin, Manuel, Marlene, Max, Michael, Miguel, Mike, Parker, Rosalind, Susan. For the departed: Mickey Lohrmann. For birthday celebrations: Jean DeLeon, Joanna Morlu, Judy Bennett, Laurie Cohen, Theo Falco. For anniversary celebration: Robert and Theresa Falotico. For our expectant mothers: Lauren, Meghan, Priya and Ryan.
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzWRA9VxChBQd5l6rf3kF3A