WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – August 29th – Fr. Thomas

“What terrible sins have I committed?” Surely I don’t deserve this affliction!” cried Reva to her hospital roommate. Reva had just been told that her cancer had spread to her lungs and bones. After a mastectomy and chemotherapy, Reva, a young woman, had believed her breast cancer was under control, for which she was thankful to God.

Reva had generously thrown herself into her church work in various capacities. After she had begun to experience back pain and general weakness, she learned that her cancer had spread. Her roommate tried to console her by telling her that God was a God of love and that He loved her. She assured Reva that God was not punishing her for any sins she may have committed; because everyone has fallen short of God’s expectations. “You must continue to witness to your faith even through the bad times, and God will continue to use you.” Reva calmed down somewhat and said, “I must look terrible because I’ve been crying for hours and I want to look good when my husband comes to visit shortly.” Her roommate replied, “Honey, I don’t know how you look! I’m blind.”

Even during challenging and dubious times, particularly during the present pandemic, God calls us to see “The Big Picture,” and to focus on the things that truly matter in life. In the words of Aldous Huxley, “Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.”


Sunday’s Worship – We are open for live worship on Sundays at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. We also “live-stream” our 10 a.m. service.

Video Viewing Options for Sunday’s mass. There are three different ways to view our videos: 1) our church website; 2) our Facebook page; and 3) our YouTube channel. See the links listed below.

Opportunities for Giving – there are several options that safely and efficiently expedite your generous donations: electronic bank transfers or automatic bank transfers via personal accounts or credit/debit cards; personal checks delivered by USPS; and our favorite through joining our giving family online through our website or at https://www.myEoffering.com with our secure vendor Church Envelope Budget Company, who provides you with yearly offering envelopes. Please do NOT leave any envelopes with checks/cash unattended at church mailboxes.

Sandwiches for St. George’s: Please bring your sandwiches to St. David’s west side paring lot each Thursday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Hospitality Hour is scheduled after the 10:00 a.m. mass – Daughters of the King.

Bunco: Please join us in the Parish Hall on Saturday, September 11 at 6:00 p.m. $10.00 per person – prizes to be awarded! Bring a dish to share and your favorite beverage! Remember, the more the merrier – bring a friend or two!!

Shop with Scrip: Gift card fundraising is the best way to raise money. Start giving back to St. David’s the moment you buy a gift card with the RaiseRight mobile app today! You can join the program by downloading the app on your phone or go to www.ShopWithScrip.com on your computer. The enrollment code to set up your free family account is BB6656B177722. For more information, please pick up a flyer in the narthex, or email Kimberly Joy Castellotti-Ward at choiceplusrealestate@gmail.com

Altar Flowers and Candles: We will have a bag on the credenza to collect all flower and candle donations for upcoming Sundays. If you would like to donate for altar flowers for memorials and celebrations, please put your check for $40 with a request showing the date you want altar flowers and the reason for your donation into the bag. If you want to donate candles, please put your check for $20 and request showing date and reason for donation. Do not put flower and candle requests in offering plates.

Sunday School is still in operation with the necessary protocol in place.

Forward Day by Day brochures for the next quarter are now available in the narthex. Donation $3.00.

Tuesdays: Holy Eucharist 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday: Eucharistic Adoration 6:00 p.m.
Wednesdays: Holy Eucharist and Rosary 6:30 p.m.

PLEASE PRAY: For the sick: Alice, Barbara, Beth, Catherine, Danny, Diana, Donna, Jacob, Jeanne, Joaquin, Manuel, Max, Michael, Miguel, Mike, Parker, Susan. For birthday celebrations: Karlene Kiminyo, Jon Elmquist, Renee Hawk, Barbara Martinez, Jem Barrett, James Richardson, Maria Scher. For anniversary celebrations: James and Linda McKeown, Alex and Clare Morales. For our expectant mothers: Lauren, Meghan and Prya.

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzWRA9VxChBQd5l6rf3kF3A