WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – April 25th – Fr. Thomas.

The world has no shortage of fanatics and lunatics. Religious and political leaders rightly condemn acts of violence as deplorable and uncharacteristic of civil human behavior. But demonizing those who might be different from us doesn’t help either. How many incidents in recent weeks have been successful in spreading “terror” amongst the populous; and yet, we realize that the perpetrators suffer from a variety of mental illnesses, or disturbing behaviors which go unaddressed. Mass media is quick to spotlight those who spread such evil, while often overlooking the many acts of love and kindness which are and should be the hallmarks of our Christian faith and life.

What could be equally distressing, from our perspective, is the erosion of Christian principles and values in our culture. Jesus said, “Love one another, as I have loved you. By this the world will know that you are my disciples.” Maybe if more people truly acted like Christians the Church would not have found itself increasingly marginalized in society. Living by the example of Our Lord who gave his life as a ransom for many and speaking the truth in love, are the most powerful and only weapons we have in the spiritual warfare that besets us. Yet, silence is not always golden. According to the 18th c. Irish born statesman, Edmund Burke, “The only thing needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.” Remember, actions do speak louder than words, but we can’t disregard one over the other, for “You may be the only Gospel your neighbor ever reads.”


Video Viewing Options for Sunday’s mass – there are three different ways to view our videos: 1) our church website; 2) our Facebook page; and 3) our YouTube channel.

Opportunities for Giving – there are several options that safely and efficiently expedite your generous donations: electronic bank transfers or automatic bank transfers via personal accounts or credit/debit cards; personal checks delivered by USPS; and our favorite through joining our giving family online through our website or at https://www.myEoffering.com with our secure vendor Church Envelope Budget Company, who provides you with yearly offering envelopes. Please do NOT leave any envelopes with checks/cash unattended at church mailboxes.

Sandwiches for St. George’s: Please bring your sandwiches to St. David’s west side parking lot each Thursday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Trimming of Bushes. We will be having a trimming of the palmetto bushes workday on Saturday, May 1 starting at 8:30 am. Bring some cutting tools if you have them. If you do not have tools, please come to help. Lunch will be provided at 12:30 pm.

Shop with Scrip. Gift card fundraising is the best way to raise money. Start giving back to St. David’s the moment you buy a gift card with the RaiseRight mobile app today! You can join the program by downloading the app on your phone or go to https://www.ShopWithScrip.com on your computer. The enrollment code to set up your free family account is BB6656B177722. For more information, please pick up a flyer in the narthex, or email Kimberly Joy Castellotti-Ward at choiceplusrealestate@gmail.com

Sunday School is still in operation with the necessary protocols in place.

Forward Day by Day brochures for the next quarter are now available in the narthex. Donation $3.00

Tuesdays: Holy Eucharist 8:30 am.
Wednesdays: Holy Eucharist and Rosary 6:30 pm.

PLEASE PRAY – For the sick: Alberto, Ampy, Andi, Barbara, Beth, Cindy, Danny, Donna, Jeanne, Joaquin, Kip, Max, Miguel, Patricia, Shelby. For birthday celebrations: John Algood, Therese Guillaume, Janice Jacques. For our expectant mother: Andi.