WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – March 28th – Fr. Thomas.

Among the various restaurants where I worked as a server between college and seminary, was a summer at the Lexington Country Club. I remember an incident where a father and his young son had just come in from the golf course for lunch. The father ordered a Rueben sandwich and the son ordered a cheeseburger. When I went back into the kitchen to collect the sandwiches, the chef noticed that the hamburger was done before the salad chef had produced the Rueben. The chef had the bun already prepped with the lettuce, pickles, and tomato slice, so he put the burger back in the oven to keep it warm. Meanwhile, a few minutes later, upon my return to the kitchen, I grabbed the Rueben on top of the salad counter, and the burger platter off the grill countertop. I rushed out to the dining room and placed the plates on the table. A minute later, the father calls me over and says, “There’s no burger on the bun!” (Alas, I had grabbed the burger plate not realizing that the chef had not put the burger back on the bun!) The father said, “Is this a phantom burger? Where’s the beef?”

Moral of the story – as we approach the most holy week of the Christian year; the week that changed the world, one rightly asks, “Where’s the beef?” In other words, “What’s the point?” If our lives are not changed by the events of Jesus’ passion and resurrection, then where are we placing our priorities, our energy, our passion? Easter is not simply one day, it’s a way of life. The Bread of Life which Jesus gives is not a mere “symbol,” it’s a Person. The celebration of Easter is more than an annual holiday observance; it’s a way of life; the eternal life promised to us who follow in His steps through His passion, resurrection, and entry into that place where there shall be no mourning, nor crying, but the unending joy that comes from knowing His Son as Our Lord and Savior.


Video Viewing Options for Sunday’s mass – there are three different ways to view our videos: 1) our church website; 2) our Facebook page; and 3) our YouTube channel.

The Holy Triduum:
Maundy Thursday – April 1st – 7:00 pm, followed by one hour Adoration in the church.
Good Friday – April 2nd – 12:00 noon-1:00pm – Stations of the Cross.
Holy Saturday – Vigil Mass – April 3rd – 7:00 pm, followed by a festive reception.
Easter Sunday – April 4th – 8:00 am & 10:00 am.
Easter Egg Hunt – April 4th – after 10:00 am mass – 11:15 am.

Opportunities for Giving – there are several options that safely and efficiently expedite your generous donations: electronic bank transfers or automatic bank transfers via personal accounts or credit/debit cards; personal checks delivered by USPS; and our favorite through joining our giving family online through our website or at https://www.myEoffering.com with our secure vendor Church Envelope Budget Company, who provides you with yearly offering envelopes. Please do NOT leave any envelopes with checks/cash unattended at church mailboxes.

ECW Meeting: A lunch meeting is scheduled on April 9 at 11:00 am in the church.

Cleaning and Decorating: We need volunteers to help clean and decorate the church for Easter on Saturday, April 3 at 8:00 am.

Easter Flowers: We are collecting donations for Easter Lilies. Cost of flowers is $25. Please fill in a form and place it in the plate, or mail it to the office.

No Sunday School on Easter Sunday. Join the Easter Egg Hunt after the 10am mass.

Tuesdays: Holy Eucharist 8:30 am.
Wednesday: Eucharistic Adoration 6:00 pm.
Wednesdays: Holy Eucharist and Rosary 6:30 pm.

PLEASE PRAY – For the sick: Alfredo, Andi, Barbara, Beth, Calvin, Cindy, Donna, Francis, Irene, Jeanne, Joaquin, Kip, Max, Patricia. For birthday celebrations: Eric Cohen, Laurette Bagley, Samuel Kalphat, Joe Mee, Lorna Lawrence, Lucas Webber. For anniversary celebration: Baldwin and Violet Henry. For expectant mother: Andi.