WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – March 7th – Fr. Thomas.

On my day off I like to spend time outside – weeding, planting, landscaping. Some of the new plants and hedges I recently purchased however are already dropping dead leaves, but for a good reason – to make room for the new ones to grow. Lent reminds us that for new life and its “foliage” to grow, the old life of sin has to be removed. Perhaps that’s why we call it “Spring Cleaning:” when we clean out that which is old.

We’re now two weeks into Lent (which, by the way, derives its name from “Lengthen,” when the daylight becomes longer and the temperature rises.) So how’s it going so far? Will this Lenten season be like all the others; or will our repentant spirit and reformed life reflect the converted life for which Jesus died on the cross?

Hans Urs Von Balthasar, a popular German theologian of the 20th c., wrote, ”Man is led into the open realm in which he can love by the love he believes in because he has understood its sign. If the Prodigal Son had not already believed in his father’s love, he would have never set out on his homeward Journey–even though the love that received him back was beyond his dreams.”

In other words, it’s never too late to confess, forgive, and convert – for what awaits us is beyond our imagination. Everyone thinks of changing humanity, but no one thinks of changing himself. God wants to “fertilize” us with His sacramental grace, remove the old debris, and fill us with His holy and life giving spirit – now, and in every season of the year. Just as Adam “broke the fast” and was exiled from Paradise by eating the “forbidden fruit,” so Christ overcame temptation in the wilderness and opened the door for us into the eternal Paradise.


Video Viewing Options for Sunday’s mass – there are three different ways to view our videos: 1) our church website; 2) our Facebook page; and 3) our YouTube channel.

Opportunities for Giving – there are several options that safely and efficiently expedite your generous donations: electronic bank transfers or automatic bank transfers via personal accounts or credit/debit cards; personal checks delivered by USPS; and our favorite through joining our giving family online through our website or at https://www.myEoffering.com with our secure vendor Church Envelope Budget Company, who provides you with yearly offering envelopes. Please do NOT leave any envelopes with checks/cash unattended at church mailboxes.

Sandwiches for St. George’s: Please bring your sandwiches to St. David’s west side parking lot each Thursday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Lay Weeders: landscaping workday is planned for Saturday, March 13 at 9 a.m. until finished. We will be planting and mulching the area by the dumpster as well as finishing the area in the right side of the church. Please bring a shovel and/or rake if you have one. We are in need of two rocks for our landscaping. The cost is approximately $100 each. If anyone is interested in donating a rock, please contact Kenneth Barrett at 561-204-2509. We are also in need of monetary donations for the landscaping. Please make check payable to the church, but put “Landscaping” in the memo section. Thanks. Linda.

Sunday School is still in operation with the necessary protocols in place.

Tuesdays: Holy Eucharist 8:30am
Wednesdays: Holy Eucharist and Rosary 6:30pm
Fridays during Lent: Stations of the Cross 6:30pm. Dates: 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26

PLEASE PRAY – For the sick: Barbara, Beth, Cynthia, Diana, Donna, Efim, Fiona, Francis, Irene, Jeanne, Jim, Joaquin, Leo, Tayvin. For the departed: Richard Elliott. For birthday celebrations: Pat Bernard, Jackson Falco, Joyce Smith. For expectant mother : Bronwyn.