WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – November 1st – Fr. Thomas.

WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – November 1st – Fr. Thomas.

Congratulations to the Los Angeles Dodgers on winning this year’s World Series.  Maybe the “Angels” were praying for them, in opposition to what we used to call the “Devil Rays.”  Who knows, but more importantly, this Sunday, November 1st we celebrate All Saints Day, one of the major feasts in the liturgical calendar.  This week, we submitted our order for next year’s liturgical calendar.   We recognize those saints who have made it into the “hall of fame,” but might not have a particular feast day of their own in the calendar.   Saints are those who make it easier for us to believe in God.  The calendar of saints allows us to walk through the Christian year step by step, one day at a time.  Think of a large picture gallery full of the works of the masters; as we stroll through the gallery, we stop and pause to catch more of the color, the light, and the shadow of each work of art.  A review of the saints demands that we walk slowly through the album, respecting the rich variety of those devout followers of Our Lord.  Even though it may take God some time, we are in the saint making business:  essentially, to make new Christians, and make Christians new!

We are all partners in the Kingdom of God. People may doubt what you say, but they’ll believe what you do.  The saints were all different, but all had one thing in common:  their love of God.   Yet, we are not to worship saints or try to copy them; but to celebrate saints, because God is glorified through them.  Saints are sinners who keep on going.  We can’t become holy by ourselves; but, the Good news is that we’re not alone.  Holiness comes looking for us.  Isn’t that the whole story of the Bible?  Look at whom Jesus called friends:  Peter, Mary Magdalene, John the Baptist.  All throughout the Bible we find ordinary people who did extra – ordinary things.  They were sinners who kept on going, citizens of another Kingdom, who marched to the beat of a different drummer.

It’s easy to assume that they had some special grace which is not available to us.  But, there’s no “St.” on a birth certificate.  And how do we learn?  Did anyone become better simply by reading a handbook on ethics?  No, it‘s the examples of courage which inspire us to a higher path.   To live in such a way that one’s life would not make sense, if God did not exist.  So, why were the saints, saints? Because they were cheerful when it was difficult to be cheerful, patient when it was difficult to be patient; because they pushed on when they wanted to stand still, and kept silent when they wanted to talk, and were agreeable when they wanted to be disagreeable. That was all. It was quite simple and always will be.  As the popular hymn reminds us; “For the saints of God are just folks like me, and I mean to be one too.”



Video Viewing Options for Sunday’s mass – there are three different ways to view our videos: 1) our church website; 2) our Facebook page; and 3) our YouTube channel.  See the links listed below.


Opportunities for Giving – there are several options that safely and efficiently expedite your generous donations: electronic bank transfers or automatic bank transfers via personal accounts or credit/debit cards; personal checks delivered by USPS; and our favorite through joining our giving family online through our website or at  www.myEoffering.com with our secure vendor Church Envelope Budget Company, who provides you with yearly offering envelopes. Please do NOT leave any envelopes with checks/cash unattended at church mailboxes.


Sandwiches for St. George’s Outreach Project – Please continue to prepare sandwiches for St. George’s and bring them to St. David’s parking lot each Wednesday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 am. Thank you for your continued support!


School Supply Drive Outreach Project – August usually finds our parishioners looking for bargains on backpacks and other school supplies. For obvious reasons, that did not happen in 2020. I have spoken with the principal of Wynnebrook Elementary School and she has requested any help we can provide.  In order to keep our parishioners safe and still help the students and teachers, we will be providing items in bulk to the school.  If you wish to help, please send a check to me and I will order requested items in bulk and have them shipped directly to the school.  Thank you for any donation you are able to make! 💖 Joyce

Make checks payable to:             St. David’s in the Pines

Write: School Supplies in the Memo area

Mail checks to:                             Joyce Parker

104 Locust Lane

Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

Questions?                                   Call me at 561-312-2719

Deadline:                                      Friday, November 6, 2020


Daylight Savings– Remember to change your clocks & your smoke detectors!


ECW meeting Friday, November 13 at 11 am in the church to allow for social distancing.  Bring a sack lunch if you like and we will stay and have lunch together.  Linda will bring a dessert.  Help us plan our future and wrap up few loose ends.  Thanks. Linda


Holy Eucharist:

Sundays: 8 am & 10 am

Tuesdays: 8:30 am

Wednesday: Eucharistic Adoration: 6:00 pm

Wednesdays: 6:30 pm


Please Pray – For the sick: Ashlyn, Beth, Charlotte, Donna, Iliana, Jeanne, Jim, Joaquin, Kim.

For birthday celebrations: Zoe Chung, Julie Skinner, Jean-Rene Guillaume, Father Steven Thomas, Trevor Carter, Dennis South.

For anniversary celebrations: Jim & Sherry Richardson.

For our expectant mother: Mayoli.

Additional Links and Information