WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – May 24th – Fr. Thomas

On Being Faithful – (A return to in-person church attendance)

Dear Faithful St. David’s Parishioners,

The Diocese of Southeast Florida has issued recommendations for our return to in-person attendance at mass, during Season One, with restrictions related to keeping our parish healthy and thriving as we learn to live with the virus in our midst. The start of in-person worship will not be as we left it.  A re-opening planning committee was formed as required by the diocese, along with a list of rules including:

  • If you have any symptoms: fever, chills, aches, breathing issues, please stay at home
  • A maximum of 50 persons in attendance at any one mass
  • Attendees will be required to wear a mask – if someone does not have one, it will be provided at the door
  • In-person classes and meetings are suspended for now
  • No Nursery or Sunday school
  • No greeting line at entrance to church
  • No reception line after mass
  • Coffee hour is suspended for the time being
  • Social distancing policy includes:
    • Temperature check station at door to narthex – if temperature is over 100.4 degrees then you will be asked to go home and seek medical care
    • Prayer books and hymnals have been removed; scripture readings, common texts and hymns will be printed in the program – if you have your own copy of the Prayer Book, feel free to bring it with you
    • Seating will start with every other pew beginning with the front pews, six feet distancing, with a 360 degree circumference, except for families and couples
    • No passing the collection plate – offertory plates will be located at the rear of nave
    • No physical contact during exchange of the peace
    • Floor markers indicate proper spacing when going to receive communion
    • Single line to receive communion in one kind only in the hand (not in the mouth)
    • Music with organ and soloist only – no choir at present
    • Exit by rows beginning with the back rows first
    • We encourage our most at risk parishioners to continue a “safer at home” policy

In order to comply with the above restrictions our Planning Committee needs you to please reply to the questions below by May 25, 2020 via email saintdavidschurch@comcast.net  – Thank you.

  1. Are you planning to return to regular worship on or after June 7th?
  2. Which mass would you likely attend? 8:00am or 10:00am?  (Video masses will continue to be broadcast at present.)
  3. How many in your family will be attending?

Please Pray – For the sick: Caswell, Richard, Carole, Patti, Sandy, Kim, Joe, Steve, Bob, Linda, Francine, Timone, Donna, Ashlyn, Robin. For birthday celebrations: Laura Lee Montross, Jordyn Beresford, John Webber. For those celebrating a wedding anniversary: Rev. Steven & Erin Thomas. For our expectant mothers: Dani and Andrea. For the faithful departed: Connie Haas, Ravi Zacharias, Joseph Nasso.

Outreach – for the feeding of the needy in Riviera Beach at St. George’s church continues, Sandwiches only will be collected the next two weeks and drop off dates to St. David’s is Wednesdays May 27th between 9-10:00 a.m. Call Joyce Parker 561-312-2719.

Camp Wingmann – St. David’s Men’s Organization continues to financially support those of our youth who are interested in attending summer Christian camp in Avon Park at Camp Wingmann. Please notify Mike Riddle (email tdmr007@gmail.com) of your intent to participate either in the virtual summer camp during June or the onsite camp experience in July.

