WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE – April 19th – Fr. Thomas

We know by now that New York state leads the country in the number of deaths due to COVID-19.  Apparently, though, there are not enough burial plots for the recently increased number of victims, so corpses are being “stockpiled.” This situation reminds me of a town in France where, decades ago, a similar outbreak occurred forcing the mayor to issue a law forbidding anyone who lived in that town to die.

Well, sadly, we don’t have that option, regardless of the municipality we live in.  However, the Good News is that we have a home in heaven waiting for us! Some may have to wait longer than others to reach their final destination, but imagine the joy and celebration in heaven when we do.  If death came into the world through the first act of disobedience with Adam and Eve taking fruit from the tree, everlasting life with God came by Jesus’ death on a tree.  This is Good News every day, every week, month, and year because Easter is not merely one day or season, but a way of life.  Thanks be to God who gives us the victory because there’s plenty of room in heaven for all who believe and walk down that road that leads to eternal life. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

NOTICES for this week

  • View – Sunday mass– a video will be posted on the church’s website, Facebook via our YouTube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe free so that we will in the future be able to retain our site.
  • Urgent Message– Please continue to pray for an end to the COVID-19 virus and its victims and thank you for your continued financial support (check, automated bank transfers or electronic donations via www.myeoffering.com  to the life and witness our congregation in this community. As a reminder, the music ministry continues, outreach is still feeding the homeless, Some of us have already received the government’s stimulus checks, or discounts on various utilities or insurances, or simple savings of not going out to eat so often. We also have the ability to pray for others, donate blood, and particularly lessen the load on our medical resources by staying home and taking care of each other via phone calls; you never know who else needs to hear a friendly voice.
  • In case of a pastoral emergency, you can leave a message on our voice mail, and we will respond as quickly as possible.
  • Please Pray – For the sick: Carole, Patti, Sandy, Kim, Joe, Steve, Bob, Linda, Francine, Timone, Donna, Ashlyn, Robin. For birthday celebrations: Emma Torres, Michelle Gardner, Erin Thomas, Assad Thompson, Patricia Burke, Kathleen Lannaman, Blake Wolliston, Phyllis Gibbs-Thomas. For those celebrating a wedding anniversary: Rudy & Pat Bernard, Victor & Jeanne Champagne, Howard & Karen Brown, Daryl & Shelby Walcher. For our expectant mothers: Dani and Andrea. For the faithful departed: The Rev. Harvey Klein.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Physician of the body and soul, You restored sight to the blind, healed the lame and cured those with leprosy. Grant, we beseech You, the necessary knowledge and perseverance to all who are working on a vaccine to quickly end the spread of COVID-19. Have mercy on those who have died, and grant comfort to all who are affected in any way and those who are living in apprehension. Give us the grace each day to trust in You and Your loving mercy. We ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Second Sunday of Easter – 4/19/20- Peace Be With You.

Acts 2:14a, 22-32   This is part of the first Christian sermon of which we have any record. Peter delivered it on the streets of Jerusalem on the Jewish Feast of Pentecost, which is fifty days after the Feast of the Passover at which Jesus was crucified. Notice that Peter is a brave, bold man in contrast to the fearful fellow who had denied Jesus at the time of his trial. Notice also that he is unshakably convinced that Jesus has risen from the dead.

Psalm 16     This psalm, which is in part set in the form of a prayer, is an affirmation of trust in God. The psalmist sums up his wholehearted commitment to the Lord with the words, “I have set the Lord always before me”” (v.*).

1 Peter 1:3-9               Peter is writing approximately two generations after the crucifixion-resurrection to Christians in a time of persecution; notice how central is his conviction of the Lord’s resurrection.

John 20:19-31        The earliest record of resurrection appearances is in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8. These fall into two categories. The first group (to Peter and others) has a church-founding significance. The second group (to James and others) has a mission-inaugurating significance. The two appearances described in John 20 are in the first category. Jesus binds the disciples together in their conviction of his risen presence. The Holy Spirit is bestowed, and the Church as a spiritual entity begins.

Challenge Questions

  1. Try to imagine that you are among those gathered behind closed doors on Easter evening. How would you describe the atmosphere in the room? How do you think the disciples might have felt when Jesus suddenly appeared among them? Why do you think he showed them his wounds?
  2. In John 20:19, 21, and 26, Jesus says, “Peace be with you.” Why do you think he repeats this greeting? What effect do you think these words had on the disciples? How are they important to us today?
  3. What is the mission that Jesus gives to his followers in verses 21b-23, and how are they empowered for this? How are we as individuals and as the Church to fulfill this mission today? How are we enabled to do so? In particular, what does it mean that we are to forgive and retain sins?
  4. As you read the exchange between Thomas and Jesus in Verses 24-29, how would you characterize the words and actions of both Thomas and Jesus here? What do you think moves Thomas to declare that Jesus is Lord and God? What do we learn from this passage about doubt, faith, and belief?
  5. All of the readings for today proclaim the reality and implications of the Resurrection. Read the Epistle for today in 1 Peter 1:3-9 and reflect on your understanding of the implications of the Resurrection in your own life.