WEEKLY RECTOR’S MESSAGE –  March 15th – Fr. Thomas

The spread of COVID-19 once again raises the question about the likely or unlikely spread of germs via the common chalice.  This is not a new situation, and not the first time I’ve had to address the situation.  Many others have written about the research, going back generations, which consistently shows that the likelihood of spreading germs by receiving from the chalice is slim and none, especially when compared with other forms of human contact.  As far back as 1943, W. Burroughs and E. Hemmens reported, “Experiments on the transmission of organisms transferred from one person to another by common use of the chalice showed that 0. 001% of the organisms transferred even under the most favorable conditions and when conditions approximated those of actual use, no transmission could be detected.”  In 1973 Dr. Edward Dancewicz of the Centers for Disease Control confirmed that the risk is miniscule.  The number of bacteria on a person’s lips is small, and the chance that there are pathogens among them is not great.  Moreover, “even if pathogens are present, the risk of digesting them is small.”  In 1988, Dr. O. N. Gill concluded:  “Currently available data do not provide any support for suggesting that the practice of sharing a common communion cup should be abandoned.” In 1997, after studying 681 individuals over a ten year period, microbiologist Anne LaGrange Loving reported that she observed no difference in illness rates between those who communed from the chalice on a daily basis and those who never attend mass.  And In 1998 the CDC wrote, “The risk is so small that it is undetectable.”  The CDC also said that wiping the chalice further reduces any possible risk.  In general, exposure to a single virus cannot result in infection.  For each disease there is a minimum number of germs (usually millions) that must be transmitted from person to person before infection can occur.  Most people have a normal immune system which fights off infectious diseases.  Of course, some may wish to err on the side of extra caution and have the Eucharistic Minister “intinct” for them; i.e. dip the host into the chalice.  But the cynic might ask, “Doesn’t that transmit germs off the hand and into the chalice?”  Moreover, one may also receive the host only, which contains the fullness of Jesus’ Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.

In all truth, I think one has a greater chance of transmitting germs by “Passing the Peace;” but if someone is legitimately sick and comes to church, they’ve already spread germs within the first fifteen minutes of attendance.  So if you are sick, please remain at home; God will understand and Holy Communion can be brought to your home by one of our Eucharistic Visitors. I’m a theologian, not a physician; but I can say with confidence, if one was likely to contract a disease from the common cup, I’d probably have been dead a long time ago!  During these anxious times, trust in the Physician of souls to keep us safe – but continue to wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water.

(Thanks to the DOK who have provided this prayer below for the relief of COVID-19.)

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Physician of the body and soul, You restored sight to the blind, healed the lame and cured those with leprosy.  Grant, we beseech You, the necessary knowledge and perseverance to all who are working on a vaccine to quickly end the spread of COVID-19.  Have mercy on those who have died, and grant comfort to all who are affected in any way and those who are living in apprehension.  Give us the grace each day to trust in You and Your loving mercy.  We ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Amen

This Week at St. David’s:

Episcopal Church Women – meets Friday, March 13th at 11:00 a.m.

Stations of the Cross & with a Guided Meditation – Friday, during Lent 6:30 p.m. dates to remember: 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/03.

Hospitality Hour – Daughters of the King

Women’s Bible Study – Sunday, 11:15 a.m.

Holy Eucharist – Tuesday 8:30 a.m.

Men’s Bible Study – Tuesday 7:00 p.m.

Holy Eucharist and Rosary – Wednesday 6:30 p.m.

Vestry – meets Sunday, March 15th at 11:15 a.m. in the Church

Youth Group – meeting on Sunday, March 15th, 11:15 a.m. in the big classroom

Prayer Shawl Ministry – meets Tuesday, March 17th, 7:00 p.m.

Cursillo – Grand Ultreya – Saturday, March 21st, 11:00 a.m., Biscayne Park, 305-893-8523

Outreach – accepting donations on Sunday. March 22nd for the ministry outreach of feeding the homeless at St. George’s on Wednesday, March 25th at 5:00 p.m. in Riviera Beach

Daughters of the King – Deanery meeting, Saturday, March 28th, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Please Pray – For the sick: Ann, Bill, Kim, Joe, Natalie, Steve, Bob, Tania, Linda, Laurie, Francine, Timone, Donna, Ashlyn, Robin. For birthday celebrations: Leroy Williams, Lincoln Elliott, Evelyn Medcalf, Suzanne Riddle, Daniel Melton, Stuart Cohen, Alred Dyce, Mathew Hogan, Tom James. For those who are celebrating a wedding anniversary: Jerry & Sally Frenz, David & Jackie Whiting. For our expectant mothers: Dani, Andrea.

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